Grand Theft Auto IV Free PC Game Download
Grand Theft Auto IV Free PC Game Download
Grand Theft Auto IV GTA IV is a 2008 open world And the best action and also including adventure PC Game It was first Developed by
(Rockstar) and Published by (Rockstar PC Games) the game was released in on 29 April 2008,The game is based on a first person action and open world pc game the game is the 4 squeal of GTA, this version contains many new missions and new map the first and second last edition was gta city which was the most pop lour Game of PC which have been played by most of the gamers, same is this edition contains many
High Graphics visuals, the game have been designed by
Most effective and impressive Graphics, Lets discuses some Features of Games,the player can walk, run, jump, climb over Given obstacles and swim, as well as use weapons and perform basic hand to hand combat. Players can steal and drive a v
ariety of vehicles, including auto mobiles, boats, helicopters, and motorcycles,IF the Player got injured
The Player can recover His health using Different techniques To restore his health, including eating, using medical kits or calling for paramedics,The Game also have some trainers which can be added by just typing simple given words by which the can have
ultimate Weapons and vices, Soon after this version the new squeal released named GTA V for PC. Keep visiting bfaqeera.tk
- GTA IV Contains Many new Cars Helicopter and Motorcycle, and lot more,
- IT also have Ultimate Weapons, New Explosives,
- The Game is based on a modern City which have been in attack by Criminals,
- Designed by Les-test Technology High GPU,
- Multiply Option Induces,
- Advance Settings which allow the user to set his desire setting,
*Windows-XP,Windows 7,And Windows 8*
*System-CPU =Intel - Core 2 Duo*
*Ram - 2 GB*
*Video Card - 1GB*
*Hard Disk Free Space -17 GB*

Grand Theft Auto IV Free PC Game Download
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